Learn at your pace.
A series of short e-learning modules which focus on essential concepts for data-informed organizations. We recommend watching the Theory of Change module first. This series was developed with funding from the Maine Economic Improvement Fund.

Theory of Change
15 minutes | 2 sections | Free
If you are interested in becoming a data-informed organization, clearly articulating your theory of change is an essential first step. In this video we will define the components of a theory of change and walk through an example. After watching this video you will have the information and tools you need to get started creating or refining your own Theory of Change.
Download the companion workbook

Logic Model
Self-paced | 5 sections | Free
Articulating a logic model is an essential step in being a data-informed organization. Cut through the jargon and get down to work with this straightforward, step by step overview of how and why to develop a logic model. This interactive presentation distills years of DIP experience and expertise into a 25 minute self-paced module that you can use to build ongoing internal capacity. Get your team started today!